Life is Full of Problems

We live in an age filled with stress. Alcoholism, drug abuse, abuse against children, changing jobs, divorce and many more that we must face. Most of these problems is a sign of someone who could not handle the pressure, they do not rise up to face Goliath with courage that God has provided for us all.

Every stage of life has its pressure itself is no exception in the years of childhood and adolescence, even the suicide rate is rising among young people between the ages of thirteen and nineteen years old. Many of these young kids do not know how to handle the pressure, because their parents do not know how to handle pressure.

People who just got married and had pressures. On a pressure scale of one to one hundred, who had been married just shows the number fifty. So many adjustments that must be held as, financial adjustments, career adjustment, and adjustment of roles. Many young couples are not prepared to rise to the challenge. Even single parents (unmarried or married) also have huge pressures such as, financial challenges, loneliness, and adjustments in every area of life.
God did not give us wings to fly away from the problems. He did not lift us out of the world to keep us from the experience of pressure, but he gives us the strength to walk through the pressure and developed just as we are under pressure.

God allowed all three men of Israel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego to come into a burning fireplace, but he maintains them. God will not always reduce the heat stress problem, but he will always go there with us and give us the strength to overcome whatever we face.
We can resolve issues with one of four ways is very well known, namely: First run away from trouble, the two went round the problem (just to face it again later), ignore all the problems the third, fourth or face problems with courage. Which way will we choose? Behavior David in 1 Samuel 17:48, reflecting the attitude of a winner because he ran to meet Goliath.

Courage is the attitude we need when we are facing danger, difficulty or pain. Courage is the nature of standing firm and not stepping back in time to face the challenges, when we act in a spirit of courage, we will face our enemies in the belief that we will win, David has never waited to face a Goliath, but he ran to meet Goliath and beat him.
We can come to our problems the same way as David did in 1 Samuel 17:45, "But David said to the Philistine, You come to me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come to you with the name of the Lord of hosts God of all the armies of Israel that you challenge it. "

We can not run away from trouble, we can not just circling around the issues or we can not ignore every problem we face, what God wants is that we deal with all our courage, because of His promise to Joshua is the same is his promise to us "Did not I have commanded you; and strong and of good courage? Do not be afraid and lose heart. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. "

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