The Inner Circle

Life is so hard always comes in the life of every person, whether it's old, young, big, small, child or adult it will not be overlooked and sometimes devastated building one's life, family or community, especially when the foundation of our life is only built upon a pile of sand then the tree of life we will soon be destroyed.

King Nebuchadnezzar saw an opportunity to build a stronger inner circle again in the events that harsh colonial life in his era. In Daniel 1:1-5 in the telling:
In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah came Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon unto Jerusalem, and besieged it. And the Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand, with part of the vessels of the house of God: which he carried into the land of Shinar to the house of his god; and he brought the vessels into the treasure house of his god. And the king spake unto Ashpenaz the master of his eunuchs, that he should bring certain of the children of Israel, and of the king's seed, and of the princes; Children in whom was no blemish, but well favoured, and skilful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and understanding science, and such as had ability in them to stand in the king's palace, and whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans. And the king appointed them a daily provision of the king's meat, and of the wine which he drank: so nourishing them three years, that at the end thereof they might stand before the king.

King Nebuchadnezzar strengthen the country by hiring people who come from descendant captive king, the nobility, the younger generation who have the skills and broad understanding of science. And Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah were included. King Nebuchadnezzar was the king who did not fear God but he knows use what was available in a circle around him to improve his country is with them a decent place to assist in the care of his administration.

Collusion and nepotism do not apply in his administration and he understood the ability of every young generation capable, to be in his employ. Sometimes we as people who believe in God just do not know how to strengthen the inner circle of family life, community, church, nation and even our country. In fact we tend to damage by placing people who are not proficient in it and do not trust the younger generation who are competent to engage in it so that collusion and nepotism is rampant in all our lives.

In the countries we are most pleased to maintain the status quo, static state that deliberately to prevent the onset of instability (which is made-up) in order to defend certain interests to remain awake and in general they maintain their advantage or privilege that can not be separated, no matter whether it will harm other people or communities that to them is something that is legal. And much more sinister when the status quo prevailing in the church or our ministry.
Where there are some people who seek personal gain at the church or ministry, and usually they will not want anymore to back down or be removed from their place although clearly been violated church rules and not according to God's truth, because it is a person who believes in God and walk in truth, we need more critical attention to it.

To fix the inner circle a community, church and state, we must start earlier than most small communities of our families, in our families there should be coaching the mental, spiritual and knowledge. Change the way we think on the truth of the Word of God is to be started from the parents or ourselves before they escalate into a bigger community, and when we became a proficient in science is also the fear of God then we will be the ones used in a positive change in society, church and state.

The ministry of Jesus Christ in this world more than 3 years is not enough for the disciples. When it arrived crucifixion, wobbly the inner circle their service and Judas one of his disciples betrayed him by selling him to the priests at a price of 30 pieces of silver, the price is the price of a slave in the Old Testament. In Exodus 21:32 says: "If the ox shall push a manservant or a maidservant; he shall give unto their master thirty shekels of silver, and the ox shall be stoned.”
Peter, in Matthew 16:15-16, says: “He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Peter's statement is inconsistent with his actions when Jesus was arrested to be crucified, Satan has entered the circle of Jesus' ministry, shake and dragged Peter and Jude also makes other disciples fled leaving him.

Circle in a faltering in the church or ministry will result in loss of attitude our fellowship with God, and make our relationship with God the more distant and dry. Even Judas in his remorse he eventually committed suicide. But Jesus in his resurrection reaffirming his ministry and restore the faith and spirit of the disciples in his ministry. Including us who want to be restored to the people who qualified, full of science and faith to be engaged in nation and state, church, community service and be a witness to the glory of God.

Lingkaran Dalam

Kehidupan yang begitu keras selalu datang dalam hidup setiap orang, entah itu tua, muda, besar, kecil, anak atau dewasa semuanya tidak akan terlewatkan dan kadang memporak-porandakan bangunan kehidupan seseorang, keluarga atau masyarakat, apalagi ketika pondasi kehidupan kita ini hanya dibangun diatas setumpuk pasir maka pohon kehidupan kita akan segera hancur.

Raja Nebukadnezar melihat suatu kesempatan untuk membangun suatu lingkaran dalam yang lebih kuat lagi dalam peristiwa-peristiwa jajahan kehidupan yang keras dijamannya. Dalam Daniel 1:1-5 di ceritakan: “Pada tahun yang ketiga pemerintahan Yoyakim, raja Yehuda, datanglah Nebukadnezar, raja Babel, ke Yerusalem, lalu mengepung kota itu. Tuhan menyerahkan Yoyakim, raja Yehuda, dan sebagian dari perkakas-perkakas di rumah Allah ke dalam tangannya. Semuanya itu dibawanya ke tanah Sinear, ke dalam rumah dewanya; perkakas-perkakas itu dibawanya ke dalam perbendaharaan dewanya.

Lalu raja bertitah kepada Aspenas, kepala istananya, untuk membawa beberapa orang Israel, yang berasal dari keturunan raja dan dari kaum bangsawan, yakni orang-orang muda yang tidak ada banyak dan yang mempunyai pengertian tentang ilmu, yakni orang-orang yang cakap untuk bekerja dalam istana raja, supaya mereka diajarkan tulisan dan bahasa orang Kasdim.
Dan raja menetapkan bagi mereka pelabur setiap hari dari santapan raja dan dari anggur yang biasa diminumnya. Mereka harus dididik selama tiga tahun, dan sesudah itu mereka harus bekerja pada raja.”

Raja Nebukadnezar memperkuat negaranya dengan mempekerjakan orang-orang tawanannya yang berasal dari keturunan raja, kaum bangsawan, generasi muda yang mempunyai kecakapan dan pengertian yang luas tentang ilmu pengetahuan. Dan Daniel, Hananya, Misael dan Azarya adalah termasuk didalamnya. Raja Nebukadnesar adalah raja yang tidak takut akan Tuhan tapi dia tahu memanfaatkan apa yang ada disekelilingnya untuk memperbaiki lingkaran dalam negaranya yaitu dengan menempatkan mereka yang layak untuk membantu dalam mengurus pemerintahannya.

Kolusi dan nepotisme tidak berlaku dalam pemerintahannya dan dia mengerti akan kemampuan setiap generasi muda yang cakap, untuk bisa di pekerjakannya. Kadang kita sebagai orang yang percaya kepada Tuhan justru tidak tahu bagaimana memperkuat lingkaran dalam kehidupan keluarga, masyarakat, gereja bahkan bangsa negara kita. Bahkan kita cenderung untuk merusak dengan menempatkan orang-orang yang tidak cakap didalamnya dan tidak mempercayai generasi muda yang cakap untuk terlibat di dalamnya sehingga kolusi dan nepotisme merajalela di dalam setiap kehidupan kita.

Di dalam negara kita paling senang untuk mempertahankan status quo, keadaan statik yang sengaja dibuat untuk mencegah timbulnya ketidakstabilan (yang di buat-buat) demi mempertahankan kepentingan-kepentingan tertentu untuk tetap terjaga dan secara umum mereka mempertahankan keuntungan atau hak istimewa mereka supaya tidak lepas, tak peduli apakah hal itu akan merugikan orang lain atau masyarakat hal itu bagi mereka adalah sesuatu yang halal. Dan lebih mengerikan lagi apabila status quo itu berlaku di dalam gereja atau pelayanan kita.
Dimana ada sebagian orang yang mencari keuntungan pribadi di dalam gereja atau pelayanan, dan biasanya mereka tidak akan mau lagi untuk mundur atau disingkirkan dari tempat mereka walaupun jelas-jelas sudah melanggar aturan gereja dan tidak sesuai dengan kebenaran Tuhan, karena itu sebagai orang yang percaya kepada Tuhan dan berjalan dalam kebenaran, kita harus lebih kritis lagi memperhatikan hal tersebut.

Untuk memperbaiki lingkaran dalam suatu masyarakat, gereja dan negara, kita harus memulainya lebih dahulu dari komunitas yang paling kecil yaitu keluarga kita, di dalam keluarga kita harus ada pembinaan mental, rohani dan pengetahuan. Perubahan cara pikir kita berdasarkan kebenaran Firman Tuhan itu harus dimulai dari orang tua atau diri kita sendiri sebelum meluas ke komunitas yang lebih besar lagi, dan ketika kita menjadi seorang yang cakap dalam ilmu pengetahuan juga takut akan Tuhan maka kita akan menjadi orang-orang yang dipakai dalam perubahan yang positif di dalam masyarakat, gereja dan negara.

Pelayanan Yesus Kristus di dunia ini kurang lebih 3 tahun tidak cukup untuk murid-muridNya. Ketika penyaliban itu tiba, lingkaran dalam pelayanan mereka goyah dan Yudas salah satu murid-Nya mengkhianati-Nya dengan menjual-Nya kepada Imam-imam dengan harga 30 keping perak, harga tersebut adalah harga seorang budak dalam Perjanjian Lama. Dalam Kitab Keluaran 21:32 mengatakan: “Tetapi jika lembu itu menanduk seorang budak laki-laki atau perempuan, maka pemiliknya harus membayar tiga puluh syikal perak kepada tuan budak itu, dan lembu itu harus dilempari mati dengan batu.”

Petrus, dalam Injil Matius 16:15-16, ketika ditanya Yesus: “Tetapi apa katamu, siapakah Aku ini? Maka jawab Simon Petrus: “Engkau adalah Mesias, Anak Allah yang hidup!”. Pernyataan Petrus tidak sejalan dengan tindakannya ketika Yesus ditangkap untuk disalibkan, Iblis telah masuk lingkaran dalam pelayanan Yesus, menggoyahkan dan menyeret Yudas juga membuat Petrus beserta murid-murid yang lain melarikan diri meninggalkan-Nya.

Lingkaran dalam yang goyah dalam gereja atau pelayanan akan mengakibatkan hilangnya sikap persekutuan kita dengan Tuhan, dan menjadikan hubungan kita dengan Tuhan semakin jauh dan kering. Bahkan Yudas dalam peyesalan akhirnya dia bunuh diri. Tetapi Yesus dalam kebangkitan-Nya meneguhkan kembali pelayanan-Nya dan merestorasi kembali iman dan semangat murid-murid dalam pelayanannya. Termasuk kita yang mau untuk dipulihkan menjadi orang-orang yang cakap, penuh ilmu pengetahuan dan iman yang teguh untuk dipakai didalam bangsa dan negara, gereja, pelayanan dan masyarakat menjadi saksi untuk kemuliaan Tuhan.

Dark Night Of Jesus

The worst night of Jesus marked a crisis for the crisis, at first he did not see the prayer answered. Jesus had just apply very sad to God. "And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt". (Matthew 26:39).

When it was not to pray in an atmosphere of calm and quiet, according to Matthew, Jesus "felt sad and anxious" (Matthew 26:37), the Master "fell to the ground" and called out to God. Luke tells us that Jesus "suffered" and "Sweat like blood dripping onto the ground" (Matthew 22:44).
Jesus' prayer was not answered, whether the God who has cattle on a thousand hills, will refuse to give something to the children of his own? that's what happened that night. Jesus had to face the problem of prayer is not granted and it was only the beginning of the struggle to be faced later on that later "along with Judas, came too many people who carry swords and clubs.

They were told by the chief priests and the elders ... and then the crowd came forward and arrested Jesus "(Matthew 25:47, 52). Judas comes with an angry mob, the mass was carrying yet another crisis. Jesus did not just have to face the prayer is answered, but he also had to deal with services that do not bring results. It is precisely those who He came to save now come arrest him.

Perhaps in the shadow of our Judas led a dozen soldiers or fewer, and they took a two-lanterns, but Matthew says that "many people" came to arrest Jesus. John even more specifically, the term used is the Greek word speira or "an army" (John 18:3). Least speira describe the forces of two hundred soldiers. This word can also describe a detachment of one thousand nine hundred soldiers.
John's picture of speira would be more appropriate if the human flow imagine the kind of form a few hundred soldiers into the garden, plus a number of spectators or the countless people, who by Matthew just called "the people" then we can describe a bunch of people many come into the park.

From a bunch of people that no one wants to defend Jesus, he has helped so many people in the cases of magic which he did, but who would dare claim that he is innocent, nothing! possible mob did not know to do more than just watching because their contact with Jesus was so short but what about the students? they even know more about Jesus.
Drugs most bitter to swallow Jesus is "Treason is almost unbelievable from the students of his" so Judas is not the only traitor, Matthew admitted: "But all this happened so that there is even written by the prophet - prophet. Then all the disciples left Him and fled ". (Matthew 26:56). And what Peter said earlier: "Although I should die with thee, I will not deny you." (Matthew 26:35).

All the promises will be loyal, but this all away, what we see is treason. Followers of his have been away from Him, the crowd had rejected Him, and God does not hear him then we can imagine what that must be met Jesus that night.
From the human perspective, Jesus' world collapsed. No answer from heaven, no help from the people, there is no loyalty from friends of his. Jesus as high as the neck of the garbage so we can describe his situation but what we see Jesus differently! He is not oblivious to the trash, but he saw something else bigger than a garbage wrapped his body.

Conscious or not we are living in the world of garbage, trash unwanted into our lives on a regular basis. We have prayers answered no, there are dreams that do not bear fruit betrayals, too unbelievable, and maybe we never left the garbage bag full of accidents and hurt, what shall we do with all that?