Death of Man

Genesis 2:17 “but the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and do not eat the fruit, because on that day when you eat it, thou shalt surely die.” Death entered because of sin in human life human disobedience to the commandments of God.
Humans Adam and Eve, were created on the sixth day of Genesis 1:27-31 says: "So God created man in His image, the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. God bless them ...... And God saw everything that made him that, really very good.And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

On the seventh day God rested and sanctified, the human life after the seventh day is eternal life until one day humans to disobey God by eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, in the end they were expelled from the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:23). Since then the old man began to be calculated and the Bible records in Genesis 5:6 that Adam reached age 930 years and then die.

Methuselah reached the age of the longest in human history that is 969 years. What about today's human beings? Consciously or unconsciously when we are born into this world, we've been in long queues to get in the door of death. Willing or unwilling we are bound and subject to the law of death, Genesis 3:19 says: "By the sweat you shall eat bread, till thou return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for you are dust and to dust you will return. "

The problem is now whether we have to prepare ourselves to enter into the gates of death, because behind it we can no longer improve our lives, whether eternal death or eternal life we will receive on the other side of death, it depends on our lives today This ..... There are two images of human death before he receives eternal death.

First, morally dead.
Genesis 3:6-7, the woman saw that the tree was good for food and pleasant looks of it, besides the tree was interesting because it gives light. Then she took from its fruit and ate and gave also to her husband who together with her, and her husband were eating it. Then their eyes were opened and they both knew that they were naked so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.

Disobedience to God's command to make a new character for human, sinful nature. In fact, humans began to form an innate desire for self-serving without regard to God or anyone else, so now we can see the moral decadence that happens everywhere, humans create disorder by breaking God's commandments, and undermine the standard of living systems and human life. With a variety of interests, people in forced labor and forced to attend or participate in the current fall damage, this moral death if not promptly repaired or restored then eternal death be waiting for us behind the doors of death.

Second, the spiritually dead.
Genesis 3:8-10, When they heard the steps of the LORD God walking in the garden at the time of the day was cool, man and his wife hide it against the LORD God among the trees in the park. But the LORD God called the man and said to him: "Where are you?" He replied: "When I heard thy voice in the garden, I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.

Once the damaged or dead man's moral relationship with God then itself becomes corrupted, this is called spiritual death. Adam and Eve hid when he heard the footsteps of God, people who have dropped their religious moral values, too. He will distance themselves from church meetings, no more fellowship with God, life would feel empty, no purpose, and tend to sin in his life, only Jesus who could restore a person's spiritual death.

Eternal death.
Eternal death is described in the Book of Matthew 25:41 "And he shall say also to those on His left: Depart from me, ye cursed people, to depart into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and angel -angels "

Mark 9:44 says: "in place that worms will not die, and the fire is not quenched. And if thy foot offend thee, cut it, it is better for thee to enter life lame than with two feet to be cast into hell; in place that worms will not die, and the fire is not quenched. And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, it is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than having two eyes to be cast into hell, where the caterpillars dead do not die and the fire is not extinguished. Since everyone will be salted with fire.

Revelation 14:10 says: "then he will drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is provided without any mixture in the cup of his wrath, and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment goes up forever, and day and night they never stopped being tortured, those who worship the beast and his image, and anyone who has received a sign his name. "

Kematian Manusia

Kejadian 2:17, "tetapi pohon pengetahuan tentang yang baik dan yang jahat itu, janganlah kau makan buahnya, sebab pada hari engkau memakannya, pastilah engkau mati. Kematian masuk dalam kehidupan manusia karena dosa ketidaktaatan manusia terhadap perintah Allah.
Manusia Adam dan Hawa, diciptakan pada hari keenam. Kitab Kejadian 1:27-31 mengatakan: “Maka Allah menciptakan manusia itu menurut gambar-Nya, menurut gambar Allah diciptakan-Nya dia; laki-laki dan perempuan diciptakan-Nya mereka. Allah memberkati mereka......Maka Allah melihat segala yang dijadikan-Nya itu, sungguh amat baik. Jadilah petang dan jadilah pagi, itulah hari keenam."

Pada hari ke tujuh Allah beristirahat dan menguduskannya, kehidupan manusia setelah hari ketujuh adalah kehidupan abadi sampai suatu ketika manusia melanggar perintah Tuhan dengan memakan buah dari pohon pengetahuan tentang yang baik dan jahat, pada akhirnya mereka diusir dari taman Eden (Kejadian 3:23). Sejak saat itu umur manusia mulai dihitung dan Alkitab mencatat dalam Kejadian 5:6 bahwa Adam mencapai umur 930 tahun kemudian mati.

Metusalah mencapai umur yang paling panjang dalam sejarah manusia yaitu 969 tahun. Bagaimana dengan manusia sekarang ini? Sadar ataupun tanpa sadar ketika kita lahir di dunia ini, kita sudah berada dalam antrian panjang untuk masuk dalam pintu kematian. Mau atau tidak mau kita sudah terikat dan tunduk kepada hukum kematian, Kejadian 3:19 mengatakan: “dengan berpeluh engkau akan mencari makananmu, sampai engkau kembali lagi menjadi tanah, karena dari situlah engkau diambil; sebab engkau debu dan engkau akan kembali menjadi debu."

Permasalahan sekarang sudahkah kita mempersiapkan diri kita untuk masuk ke dalam pintu kematian itu, karena di balik pintu itu kita sudah tidak bisa memperbaiki lagi kehidupan kita, apakah kematian kekal atau kehidupan kekal yang akan kita terima di balik pintu kematian itu tergantung kehidupan kita sekarang ini.... ada dua gambaran kematian manusia sebelum dia menerima kematian yang kekal.

Pertama, mati secara moral.

Kejadian 3:6-7, Perempuan itu melihat, bahwa buah pohon itu baik untuk dimakan dan sedap kelihatannya, lagipula pohon itu menarik hati karena memberi pengertian. Lalu ia mengambil dari buahnya dan dimakannya dan diberikannya juga kepada suaminya yang bersama-sama dengan dia, dan suaminya pun memakannya. Maka terbukalah mata mereka berdua dan mereka tahu, bahwa mereka telanjang; lalu mereka menyemat daun pohon ara dan membuat cawat.

Ketidaktaatan akan perintah Tuhan menjadikan suatu tabiat yang baru bagi manusia, tabiat yang berdosa. Bahkan manusia mulai membentuk keinginan bawaan untuk mementingkan diri sendiri tanpa memperdulikan Tuhan atau orang lain sehingga saat ini kita bisa melihat dekadensi moral itu terjadi dimana-mana, manusia menciptakan ketidakteraturan dengan melanggar perintah Tuhan, dan merusak sistim standar hidup dan kehidupan manusia. Dengan berbagai kepentingan, manusia di paksa dan terpaksa untuk mengikuti atau ikut terjerumus pada arus kerusakan, kematian moral ini apabila tidak segera diperbaiki atau dipulihkan maka kematian kekal akan menunggu kita di balik pintu kematian.

Kedua, mati secara rohani.

Kejadian 3:8-10, Ketika mereka mendengar bunyi langkah TUHAN Allah, yang berjalan-jalan dalam taman itu pada waktu hari sejuk, bersembunyilah manusia dan isterinya itu terhadap TUHAN Allah di antara pohon-pohonan dalam taman. Tetapi TUHAN Allah memanggil manusia itu dan berfirman kepadanya: "Di manakah engkau?" Ia menjawab: "Ketika aku mendengar, bahwa Engkau ada dalam taman ini, aku menjadi takut, karena aku telanjang; sebab itu aku bersembunyi.

Setelah moral manusia rusak atau mati maka hubungannya dengan Allah dengan sendirinya menjadi rusak, inilah yang dinamakan kematian rohani. Adam dan Hawa bersembunyi ketika mendengar bunyi langkah Tuhan, orang yang sudah merosot nilai moral keagamaannya juga demikian. Dia akan menjauhkan diri dari pertemuan-pertemuan ibadah, tidak ada lagi persekutuan dengan Tuhan, kehidupan akan terasa hampa, tidak ada tujuan, dan cenderung melakukan dosa dalam kehidupannya, hanya Yesus yang sanggup memulihkan kematian rohani seseorang.

Kematian Kekal
Kematian kekal digambarkan dalam Kitab Matius 25:41 “Dan Ia akan berkata juga kepada mereka yang di sebelah kiri-Nya: Enyahlah dari hadapan-Ku, hai kamu orang-orang terkutuk, enyahlah ke dalam api yang kekal yang telah sedia untuk Iblis dan malaikat-malaikatnya”

Markus 9:44 mengatakan: “di tempat itu ulatnya tidak akan mati, dan apinya tidak akan padam. Dan jika kakimu menyesatkan engkau, penggallah, karena lebih baik engkau masuk ke dalam hidup dengan timpang, dari pada dengan utuh kedua kakimu dicampakkan ke dalam neraka; di tempat itu ulatnya tidak akan mati, dan apinya tidak akan padam. Dan jika matamu menyesatkan engkau, cungkillah, karena lebih baik engkau masuk ke dalam Kerajaan Allah dengan bermata satu dari pada dengan bermata dua dicampakkan ke dalam neraka, di mana ulat-ulat bangkai tidak mati dan api tidak padam. Karena setiap orang akan digarami dengan api.

Wahyu 14:10 mengatakan: “maka ia akan minum dari anggur murka Allah, yang disediakan tanpa campuran dalam cawan murka-Nya; dan ia akan disiksa dengan api dan belerang di depan mata malaikat-malaikat kudus dan di depan mata Anak Domba. Maka asap api yang menyiksa mereka itu naik ke atas sampai selama-lamanya, dan siang malam mereka tidak henti-hentinya disiksa, yaitu mereka yang menyembah binatang serta patungnya itu, dan barangsiapa yang telah menerima tanda namanya."

Worshipers Face

Matthew 17:2 Then Jesus was transfigured before their eyes; His face shining like the sun and his clothes became white as light shines. The relationship between the face and worship more than just a coincidence, our faces are part of our body most clearly seen by the public.

He is less subtle as the other, is also part of the most easily recognized than other parts of our body. Book our school report cards will not be filled with those legs, but with photographs of their faces. God wants to take our faces, the most open to the public and the most easy to remember, and use it to reflect his goodness.

Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 3:18 "And we all reflect God's glory with faces that are not covered. And because of the glory that comes from God who is Spirit, then we changed to a picture similar to his, in which the greater glory. "We do not cover Front cover and reflect the brilliance of our Lord Jesus ... we are continuously modified to become like him. As time passed we became more brilliant. Brilliance is from the Spirit, and Spirit is God.

God invites us to see his face so that he can change our faces, he uses our faces veiled not to show his glory, the change is not easy but the Lord was pleased we could change the face of His children. By concerns fingers removed. The image of shame and doubt into the picture of generosity and trust. He flexed taut chin and forehead smoothed a wrinkle. Touches him eliminate fatigue circles under the eyes and change the desperate tears into tears of peace.

How? through worship! God's plan was so simple to change our face through worship. King David's definition of worship: Psalm 43:3 "Make thy light and thy faithfulness to come, so I was led and taken to the mountains thy holy and to thy dwelling place!" Worship, worship is the act of bringing up the name of God to expand the view we are from Him.

Sign in to cockpit to see where God dwells and see him work, of course, his size has not changed, but our perception of him has changed, when we get closer It look bigger. Do not we have a big problem, a big concern and maybe a big question? Therefore we need a great view of God worship gave it our fellowship with God to make our vision expanded and our faces glow.

The excited faces and beaming is a sign of someone who had been standing before God. Exodus 34:35 "If the people of Israel saw the face of Moses, that Moses' face glowing skin, then Moses covered his face again until he came face to talk with the Lord". Business God is changing the face of the world, this change is the work He's not our job. Our goal is not to make our faces glow. Even Jesus did not do that. Matthew 17:2 says: "Jesus was transfigured," not "Jesus changed his way".

Our goal is to stand before God with a ready heart and let God do his work. And he did it, he wiped tears, was softening forehead full of wrinkles, he touched our cheeks, he changed the face of us as we worship Him there even more, that God not only changed the face of those who worship, he also changing the face of those who observe us worship.