
"Therefore a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, so that they become one flesh". (Genesis 2:24).
Based on this verse, we may conclude, that for God's marriage is when a man broke away from his parents to bond with his wife and become one flesh with him.
'separation' and 'merge' is included in the particulars and must take place in that order. Meaning is the replacement of a single human bonds (child-parent) with other human bond (husband-wife). There are some similarities in the two bonds, since both relations are the same complex and contains various elements.
There is a physical element (the one in the form conceived, born and breastfed and the other in the form of intercourse), the emotional elements (growing up, as the process of development of dependency relationship of childhood to maturity with the partner relationship as lively as dead), and social elements (child children inherit a family unit already exists, husband and wife creates a new unit).
But there is also an essential inequality between the two, because the biblical phrase 'one flesh' indicates that the unity of husband and wife physically, emotionally and socially is far more profound and mysterious than the personal nature of the relationship between the children with their parents, so can say: " failure to achieve a minimum of emotional self-sufficiency is one of the main precursor destruction of marriage.
Genesis 2:24 implies that marriage is the exclusive bond (a man ... and ... his wife) with the consent of a lot (leaving his father and mother), permanent (together with his wife), achieved through intercourse kegenapannya (become one flesh).
Thus, the biblical definition of marriage which read as follows: "Marriage is a bond that promises exclusive and heterosexual between one man and one woman, ordained and established by God, preceded by the departure of leaving parents with the knowledge of the crowd, reached the fulness is fully in intercourse, became a permanent partner support each other, and usually crowned with the conferment of the children '.
Any one can not cancel the wedding, but in reality percerain (breaking the bonds of marriage) from year to year higher, sociological causes of this increase in divorce rates and a variety of many kinds. This includes the emancipation of women, changes in subsistence patterns (both parents working) pressures of family life due to unemployment and financial difficulties and would also ease given the marriage law to divorce, but above all it was the most decisive reason for the collapse of marriage is the image of the decline of Christian faith is waning along with the commitment to the Christian understanding of the sanctity and permanence of marriage.
Divorce is allowed in extreme circumstances certain but if it is allowed, breaking the bond that remains a deviation from the intent and will of God, in principle, marriage is a lifelong bond and divorce is a breach of contract, an act of betrayal.
As God ... hates ... (Malachi 2:13-16).

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