True Dad

Over the decades, fathers have been handed over primary responsibility for caring for children on the wife, as if their sole task was to bring home a paycheck. But now the evidence piled up that states that the father's role is very important for emotional and intellectual development of children.

Unfortunately many dismal reports from the slums of the city of crime and social pathology is caused by what the psychological term "father's absence."
But a father's absence is not the most common in the slums, it happens in families where the fathers are not involved in the lives of her children.
Fathers who work sixty hours a week, come home to sit in front of the television or behind a newspaper, they replace their presence with gifts dolls or other games that is considered to replace their jokes laughter of children.
In general they do not want the bother when they are at home.
Jobs, routines, any activity in which they live throughout the day outside the home very draining, so that when they are at home they want peace, peace, not the shouts of children, even some fathers who do not bear the inconvenience for the home, would choose to come home late at night or even not come home at all to avoid their children.
How important is our job as a father? so the time for our children is almost nonexistent.
What is our responsibility to our children? Is it enough merely giving money and gifts? We must pay attention to God's surrogate-existing deposit that will be there again even more. "God bless them and God said unto them," Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it... .. (Genesis 1:28).
Role of fathers not only meet every need will be living such as eating, drinking or place of residence but also the fulfillment of love, love, and attention to children is very important. Thus the formation of character, emotional and intellectual child can walk with balance.A good father should be able to divide their time well between work and family, and be wise to determine which would best life choices.

The relationship of a child with a father also is a factor
determine the health, development, and happiness of the child.
Consider the findings are well documented
Dr. Loren Moshen of Natioanal Institute of Mental Health, to analyze the people who dissensus in the United States and found that: the absence of a father becomes a stronger factor in the contribution of juvenile delinquents than the poverty factor.

A group of Yale scientists studying the behavior of juvenile delinquents in 48 cultures around the world and found that the highest crime rate among adults is their only his childhood raised by a woman, is not intended to downplay the role of single mother , but only to see that the role of a father who loved the family in a complete family is very important in a family.

Martin Deutsch discovered that the presence and conversation of a father, especially at dinner, stimulates a child to perform better in school ..

A study of 1337 medical doctors who graduated from Johns Hopkins University between 1948 and 1964 found that the lack of closeness with parents is a common factor in hypertension, coronary heart disease, malignant tumors, mental illness and suicide.

A study of 39 adolescent girls suffering from eating disorders, anorexia nervos, showed that 36 of them have the same denominator is a lack of close relationship with their father ..

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University found that teenage girls who live in a white family without a father, 60% have a tendency to have sex outside of marriage than those who live in families with both parents.

Surely the most important thing for a father who is a true fear of God, because "In fear of the Lord there is a great tranquility, even no protection for His children." The fear of the Lord is the source of life so that people avoid the snares of death. "(Proverbs 14:26-27).
It's up to where we become a true father?

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