Setiap visi mempunyai kecenderungan untuk memudar, kerja keras yang dimulai dengan semangat yang berapi-api dapat dengan mudah berubah menjadi kerja rutin yang hampa tanpa makna. Ketika penderitaan dan rasa kesepian mulai menunjukkan pengaruhnya, kita mulai merasa tidak dihargai dan mulai menjadi jenuh, cita-cita Kristiani tentang pelayanan yang rendah hati hanyalah kedengaran indah dalam teori, tapi dalam kenyataan terbukti tidak praktis.
Dan mungkin suatu ketika kita akan berkata: “Kita cari yang cepat saja, meskipun harus berjalan di atas kepala orang lain, dengan cara itu cita-cita akan lebih cepat tercapai”.
Memang, tak bisa diingkari kita adalah yang terdiri dari daging dan darah dan bukan dari batu atau metal, adalah benar bahwa orang yang kuat, kelemahannya juga begitu kuat.
Bahkan pemimpin-pemimpin yang besar dalam cerita-cerita Alkitab memiliki cacat-cacat yang fatal, dan semua itu Alkitab mencatatnya tidak ada satupun yang tersembunyi atau disembunyikan dihadapan Tuhan, sekalipun dia seorang guru, raja, nabi, rasul atau murid-murid dan pengikut Yesus sendiri. Di antaranya: cerita tentang Nuh yang taat kepada hukum adalah peminum “Setelah ia minum anggur, mabuklah ia dan ia telanjang dalam kemahnya” (Kejadian 9:21).
Abraham yang kesetiaannya pada Allah tak ada duanya ternyata sifatnya demikian pengecut sehingga tak segan-segan mempertaruhkan kehormatan istrinya demi keselamatan dirinya. Pada waktu ia akan masuk ke Mesir, berkatalah ia kepada Sarai, isterinya: "Memang aku tahu, bahwa engkau adalah seorang perempuan yang cantik parasnya. Apabila orang Mesir melihat engkau, mereka akan berkata: Itu isterinya. Jadi mereka akan membunuh aku dan membiarkan engkau hidup. Katakanlah, bahwa engkau adikku, supaya aku diperlakukan mereka dengan baik karena engkau, dan aku dibiarkan hidup oleh sebab engkau” (Kejadian 12:11-14).
Dan Musa adalah seorang pemarah, juga tokoh Daud melanggar lima perintah dari daftar kedua hukum Allah yaitu berzinah, membunuh, mencuri, mengucapkan saksi dusta dan menginginkan istri orang (II Samuel 11:2-15), dalam episode tunggal pemberontakan moralnya dalam kasus Batsyeba, selain itu ada Petrus yang sesumbar yang menutupi kepribadiannya yang labil.
Pertanda terakhir seorang pemimpin Kristiani adalah disiplin, bukan saja disiplin dalam arti umum sebagai kemampuan mengendalikan nafsu-nafsu serta mengatur waktu dan tenaga sendiri, melainkan dan istimewa dalam artinya yang khusus, yaitu disiplin untuk berharap hanya pada Allah. Pemimpin Kristiani harus sadar akan kelemahannya, Ia harus tahu bahwa betapa besar tugas yang diembannya dan betapa kuat pihak yang menentangnya, namun ia harus tahu juga betapa tak terhingga kekayaan kasih karunia Allah.
Namun teladan agung kita adalah Tuhan Yesus sendiri, hanya Dia yang memberi kekuatan kepada yang lemah dan menambah semangat kepada yang tiada berdaya, orang-orang muda menjadi lelah dan lesu dan teruna-teruna jatuh tersandung tapi mereka yang menanti-nantikan Tuhan dan menunggu Allah dengan sabar, akan seumpama rajawali yang naik terbang dengan kekuatan sayapnya; mereka berlari dan tidak menjadi lesu, mereka berjalan dan tidak menjadi lelah (Yesaya 40:29-31).
Hanya mereka yang mendisiplinkan dirinya untuk mencari wajah Tuhan, yang dapat menjaga visinya tetap bercahaya, dan yang hidup dihadapan salib Kristus, yang api batinnya tetap dinyalakan kembali dan takkan kunjung padam. Pemimpin-pemimpin yang merasa dirinya kuat karena mengandalkan kekuatan sendiri adalah yang paling lemah dari semua orang. Hanya mereka yang tahu dan mengakui kelemahan mereka, dapat menjadi kuat dengan kekuatan yang datangnya dari Kristus.
Human Dignity
Human dignity expressed in the three successive sentences in Genesis 1:27, 28.
First: "God created man in His own image."
Second: "male and female he created them."
Third: "God blessed them and said unto them, ... and fill the earth and conquer it is."
Human dignity expressed here as consisting of three kinds of unique relationships established by God for our creation, which together took over most of the constitution our humanity, and that by fall we have been damaged but not abolished.
The first, is our relationship to God, human beings are all God's image, created by His will in His own image. Divine image that includes the qualities of rational, moral and spiritual that separates us from animals and connects us with God. That's why we have the ability to learn about Him from the Gospel evangelists or teachers about how we know Him, love and serve Him, to live consciously in humble dependence on Him, understand His will and obey His commandments.
So all that we call human rights embraces freedom, running and broadcast religion, freedom of Belonging to a religion or belief, freedom of conscience, freedom of thinking and talking all this under one rubric that is our relationship to God.
The uniqueness of the second, human beings relate to our relationship with each other. God himself who created the human race is a social person, God is in Himself includes three forms of personality that is different from one another is eternal. He said: "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness" and "not good that man should be alone". Then God created man male and female grandchildren and tell them to give birth.
Sexuality is his creation, his marriage is an institution and a herd of his individual goals. Thus, all human freedom that we call the sanctity of sex, marriage and family, the right to assemble in peace, the right of everyone to be respected regardless of the age, sex, race or position within a rubric that is our relationship with each other.
The third special quality, we as human beings is our connection to the earth and the creatures-creatures. God has given us the power, with the assertion conquer and cultivate the fertile earth, and power over His creatures. Thus, all human rights which we call the right to work and the right to rest, the right to receive a portion of the earth's resources, the right to food, clothing and shelter, the right to life and health and to the lasting of his, together with freedom from poverty, hunger and disease are within the rubric of our relationship to the earth.
So what is meant by human dignity have been summarized in, how humans based on the three kinds of relationships: our relationship to God (the religious right and responsibility), our relationship with each other (rights and responsibilities of the partnership), and our relationship to the earth (Rights and responsibilities of management).
Thus, all human rights is essentially a right to be human, it means the right to enjoy dignity as a creature created by God and because of the image as a consequence has a unique relationship to God himself, to fellow humans and to the earth.
So we value depends on God's view about us and our relationship to God, As a result, the human rights are not unlimited rights, as if we are free to be an absolute act arbitrarily us and we arbitrarily. Both the presence and actions we are limited to what is desired in accordance with humanity and God intended.
First: "God created man in His own image."
Second: "male and female he created them."
Third: "God blessed them and said unto them, ... and fill the earth and conquer it is."
Human dignity expressed here as consisting of three kinds of unique relationships established by God for our creation, which together took over most of the constitution our humanity, and that by fall we have been damaged but not abolished.
The first, is our relationship to God, human beings are all God's image, created by His will in His own image. Divine image that includes the qualities of rational, moral and spiritual that separates us from animals and connects us with God. That's why we have the ability to learn about Him from the Gospel evangelists or teachers about how we know Him, love and serve Him, to live consciously in humble dependence on Him, understand His will and obey His commandments.
So all that we call human rights embraces freedom, running and broadcast religion, freedom of Belonging to a religion or belief, freedom of conscience, freedom of thinking and talking all this under one rubric that is our relationship to God.
The uniqueness of the second, human beings relate to our relationship with each other. God himself who created the human race is a social person, God is in Himself includes three forms of personality that is different from one another is eternal. He said: "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness" and "not good that man should be alone". Then God created man male and female grandchildren and tell them to give birth.
Sexuality is his creation, his marriage is an institution and a herd of his individual goals. Thus, all human freedom that we call the sanctity of sex, marriage and family, the right to assemble in peace, the right of everyone to be respected regardless of the age, sex, race or position within a rubric that is our relationship with each other.
The third special quality, we as human beings is our connection to the earth and the creatures-creatures. God has given us the power, with the assertion conquer and cultivate the fertile earth, and power over His creatures. Thus, all human rights which we call the right to work and the right to rest, the right to receive a portion of the earth's resources, the right to food, clothing and shelter, the right to life and health and to the lasting of his, together with freedom from poverty, hunger and disease are within the rubric of our relationship to the earth.
So what is meant by human dignity have been summarized in, how humans based on the three kinds of relationships: our relationship to God (the religious right and responsibility), our relationship with each other (rights and responsibilities of the partnership), and our relationship to the earth (Rights and responsibilities of management).
Thus, all human rights is essentially a right to be human, it means the right to enjoy dignity as a creature created by God and because of the image as a consequence has a unique relationship to God himself, to fellow humans and to the earth.
So we value depends on God's view about us and our relationship to God, As a result, the human rights are not unlimited rights, as if we are free to be an absolute act arbitrarily us and we arbitrarily. Both the presence and actions we are limited to what is desired in accordance with humanity and God intended.
Martabat Manusia
Martabat Manusia diutarakan dalam tiga kalimat beruntun pada Kejadian 1:27, 28.
Pertama: “Allah menciptakan manusia menurut gambar-Nya.”
Kedua: “laki-laki dan perempuan diciptakan-Nya mereka.”
Ketiga: “Allah memberkati mereka, lalu berfirman kepada mereka,…Penuhilah Bumi dan takluk-kanlah itu.”
Martabat manusia diutarakan di sini selaku yang terdiri dari tiga macam hubungan unik yang ditegakkan Allah bagi kita berdasarkan ciptaan, yang bersama-sama mengkonstitusikan sebagian besar kemanusiawian kita, dan yang oleh kejatuhan kita telah dirusak tapi tidak ditiadakan.
Yang pertama ialah hubungan kita terhadap Allah, makhluk manusia adalah segambar dengan Allah, diciptakan berdasarkan kehendak-Nya menurut gambar-Nya. Gambar ilahi itu mencakup kualitas-kualitas rasional,moral dan spiritual yang memisahkan kita dari binatang dan menhubungkan kita dengan Allah.
Itu sebabnya kita memiliki kebolehan untuk belajar tentang Dia dari para penginjil atau guru Injil tentang bagaimana kita mengenal Dia, mengasihi dan melayani Dia, hidup secara sadar dalam ketergantungan yang rendah hati pada Dia, mengerti kehendak-Nya dan patuh pada perintah-perintah-Nya. Jadi semua hak manusia yang kita sebut kebebasan menganut, menjalankan dan menyiarkan ajaran agama, kebebasan memeluk suatu agama atau kepercayaan, kebebasan hati nurani, kebebasan berpikir dan berbicara semua ini berada dalam satu rubrik yaitu hubungan kita terhadap Allah.
Keunikan kedua makhluk manusia berkaitan dengan hubungan kita satu sama lain. Allah sendiri yang menciptakan umat manusia adalah oknum sosial, Allah yang dalam diri-Nya mencakup tiga bentuk kepribadian yang satu dengan yang lain berbeda secara abadi. Ia berfirman: “Baiklah Kita menjadikan manusia menurut gambar dan rupa Kita” dan “Tidak baik kalau manusia itu seorang diri saja”. Lalu Allah menciptakan manusia itu laki-laki dan perempuan dan menyuruh mereka beranak cucu.
Seksualitas adalah ciptaan-Nya, perkawinan adalah lembaga-Nya dan perkawanan insani tujuan-Nya. Jadi semua kebebasan insani yang kita sebut kesucian seks, perkawinan dan keluarga, hak untuk berkumpul secara rukun, hak setiap orang untuk dihormati tanpa memandang kepada usia, kelamin, ras atau kedudukan berada dalam satu rubric yaitu hubungan kita satu sama lain.
Kualitas khusus ketiga kita selaku makhluk manusia adalah hubungna kita terhadap bumi dan makhluk-makhluknya. Allah telah memberikan kita kuasa, dengan penegasan menaklukkan dan mengolah bumi yang subur, serta berkuasa atas makhluk-makhluk-Nya.
Jadi semua hak manusia yang kita namakan hak atas kerja dan hak atas istirahat, hak mendapat bagian dari sumber-sumber daya bumi, hak atas pangan, sandang dan papan, hak atas kehidupan dan kesehatan dan kelanggengannya, bersama-sama dengan kebebasan dari kemiskinan, kelaparan dan penyakit berada didalam rubrik hubungan kita terhadap bumi.
Jadi apa yang dimaksud dengan martabat manusia telah terangkum dalam, bagaimana manusia berdasarkan ketiga macam hubungan ini: Hubungan kita terhadap Allah (Hak dan tanggung jawab keagamaan), Hubungan kita satu sama lain (Hak dan tanggung jawab atas persekutuan), dan Hubungan kita terhadap bumi (Hak dan tanggung jawab pengelolaan).
Dengan demikian maka semua hak manusia adalah pada dasarnya hak untuk menjadi manusia, artinya hak untuk menikmati martabat sebagai makhluk yang diciptakan segambar dengan Allah dan karena sebagai konsekuensinya mempunyai hubungan yang unik terhadap Allah sendiri, terhadap sesama manusia dan terhadap bumi. Jadi nilai kita tergantung dari pandangan Allah tentang kita dan hubungan Allah terhadap kita, Sebagai akibatnya, maka hak-hak manusia bukanlah hak-hak tak terbatas, seakan-akan kita bebas untuk berada semau kita dan bertindak mutlak semau kita.
Baik keberadaan maupun tindak-tanduk kita terbatas pada apa yang sesuai dengan kemanusiaan yang dikehendaki dan dimaksudkan Allah.
Liabilities A Wife
1 Peter 3:1-5 says: "Likewise, you wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.
Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.
For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands”
The Apostle Peter's attention here is on men and women who have married and who just received Christ, and who are having problems regarding how they should behave toward a husband or wife who still do not believe in and against their faith.
The Apostle Peter's advice to his Christian wife is:
She must comply, the role of a wife is to submit to the Scriptural leadership of her husband, in the Book of 1 Corinthians 11:3 says: "But I want you to know this, the head of every man is Christ, the head of the women is the man and the head of Christ is God. "
The Book of Ephesians 5:22-24 says: "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.”
This does not indicate that the wife has the character, intelligence or spirituality is lower. In fact, even in the military, do not need a leader that higher capacity than a subordinate. But his authority is very important in carrying out their duties efficiently.
The wives must submit to the 'husband' and not at all men, the wife obedience to her husband is a wonderful expression of his love and commitment to him.
When a husband is not a Christian vote for 'disobedience to the Word', who believes his wife should submit to her husband for her husband may be won to Christ 'without a word.'
This does not mean that the Word of God is not important for human safety. It simply means that if a husband refuses Word of God, his wife had to pull him to the Lord through his humility and godly living. Generous attitude, meek, submissive, and loving is one of the most effective way of evangelism that can be done wife to bring her husband to the Lord.
She must be faithful, "Pure and virtuous" means respect.
Wife with pure nature and respect for her husband is unfaithful wife, it is the duty of all Christian wives, namely that they should still be pure and pious before God and their husbands.
She should be simple, Peter warned the woman who was busy with her as spick and span self (Paragraph 3), many women in Roman society dye their hair a strange color and plaiting excessive. They also like the expensive jewelry, beautiful clothes and expensive cosmetics. The desire for beautiful and classy is not consistent with the design of God for Christian women.
In the Book of Isaiah 3:16-24, Moreover the LORD saith, Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet: Therefore the LORD will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the LORD will discover their secret parts.
In that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tinkling ornaments about their feet, and their cauls, and their round tires like the moon, The chains, and the bracelets, and the mufflers, The bonnets, and the ornaments of the legs, and the headbands, and the tablets, and the earrings, The rings, and nose jewels, The changeable suits of apparel, and the mantles, and the wimples, and the crisping pins, The glasses, and the fine linen, and the hoods, and the vails.
And it shall come to pass, that instead of sweet smell there shall be stink; and instead of a girdle a rent; and instead of well set hair baldness; and instead of a stomacher a girding of sackcloth; and burning instead of beauty.
Peter advised them to give their attention to the "hidden inner man." That is the true beauty of character, virtue, spirituality within themselves Christians. The word "simple" refers to the humility and gentleness weakness. This is the nature of people who refused to retaliate, but always waiting for the action of God. "Spirit of the serene" refers to the peaceful and gentle nature of a person.
His modest and gentle show the spiritual beauty that is very precious in the sight of God. The main concern of the devout woman not the outward appearance, but the beauty of his character before God.
Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.
For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands”
The Apostle Peter's attention here is on men and women who have married and who just received Christ, and who are having problems regarding how they should behave toward a husband or wife who still do not believe in and against their faith.
The Apostle Peter's advice to his Christian wife is:
She must comply, the role of a wife is to submit to the Scriptural leadership of her husband, in the Book of 1 Corinthians 11:3 says: "But I want you to know this, the head of every man is Christ, the head of the women is the man and the head of Christ is God. "
The Book of Ephesians 5:22-24 says: "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.”
This does not indicate that the wife has the character, intelligence or spirituality is lower. In fact, even in the military, do not need a leader that higher capacity than a subordinate. But his authority is very important in carrying out their duties efficiently.
The wives must submit to the 'husband' and not at all men, the wife obedience to her husband is a wonderful expression of his love and commitment to him.
When a husband is not a Christian vote for 'disobedience to the Word', who believes his wife should submit to her husband for her husband may be won to Christ 'without a word.'
This does not mean that the Word of God is not important for human safety. It simply means that if a husband refuses Word of God, his wife had to pull him to the Lord through his humility and godly living. Generous attitude, meek, submissive, and loving is one of the most effective way of evangelism that can be done wife to bring her husband to the Lord.
She must be faithful, "Pure and virtuous" means respect.
Wife with pure nature and respect for her husband is unfaithful wife, it is the duty of all Christian wives, namely that they should still be pure and pious before God and their husbands.
She should be simple, Peter warned the woman who was busy with her as spick and span self (Paragraph 3), many women in Roman society dye their hair a strange color and plaiting excessive. They also like the expensive jewelry, beautiful clothes and expensive cosmetics. The desire for beautiful and classy is not consistent with the design of God for Christian women.
In the Book of Isaiah 3:16-24, Moreover the LORD saith, Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet: Therefore the LORD will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the LORD will discover their secret parts.
In that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tinkling ornaments about their feet, and their cauls, and their round tires like the moon, The chains, and the bracelets, and the mufflers, The bonnets, and the ornaments of the legs, and the headbands, and the tablets, and the earrings, The rings, and nose jewels, The changeable suits of apparel, and the mantles, and the wimples, and the crisping pins, The glasses, and the fine linen, and the hoods, and the vails.
And it shall come to pass, that instead of sweet smell there shall be stink; and instead of a girdle a rent; and instead of well set hair baldness; and instead of a stomacher a girding of sackcloth; and burning instead of beauty.
Peter advised them to give their attention to the "hidden inner man." That is the true beauty of character, virtue, spirituality within themselves Christians. The word "simple" refers to the humility and gentleness weakness. This is the nature of people who refused to retaliate, but always waiting for the action of God. "Spirit of the serene" refers to the peaceful and gentle nature of a person.
His modest and gentle show the spiritual beauty that is very precious in the sight of God. The main concern of the devout woman not the outward appearance, but the beauty of his character before God.
Kewajiban Seorang Istri
1 Petrus 3:1-2 “Demikian juga kamu, hai isteri-isteri, tunduklah kepada suamimu, supaya jika ada di antara mereka yang tidak taat kepada Firman, mereka juga tanpa perkataan dimenangkan oleh kelakuan isterinya,…”
Perhatian Rasul Petrus disini adalah mengenai laki-laki dan wanita yang telah menikah dan yang baru menerima Kristus, dan yang mengalami masalah mengenai bagaimana mereka harus bersikap terhadap suami atau istri yang masih belum percaya dan menentang iman mereka.
Nasihat Rasul Petrus kepada para istri Kristen adalah:
Ia harus tunduk, peran istri secara Alkitabiah adalah untuk tunduk kepada pimpinan suaminya (1 Korintus 11:3, Efesus 5:22-23). Ini tidak menunjukkan bahwa istri mempunyai karakter, kepandaian atau kerohanian yang lebih rendah. Dalam kenyataannya, bahkan dalam militer, tidak perlu seorang pemimpin itu lebih tinggi kemampuannya dari seorang bawahannya. Tetapi otoritasnya sangat penting dalam menjalankan tugasnya secara efisien.
Para istri harus tunduk kepada ‘suamimu’ dan bukan pada semua laki-laki, kepatuhan istri kepada suaminya merupakan ungkapan kasihnya yang indah dan komitmennya kepada dia. Ketika seorang suami yang bukan Kristen memilih untuk ‘tidak taat kepada Firman’, istrinya yang percaya harus tunduk kepada suaminya agar suaminya boleh dimenangkan kepada Kristus ‘tanpa perkataan.’ Ini tidak berarti bahwa Firman Allah tidak penting bagi keselamatan manusia. Ini hanya berarti bahwa jika seorang suami menolak Firman Tuhan, istrinya harus menarik suaminya kepada Tuhan melalui kerendahan hatinya dan hidup saleh. Sikap murah hati, lemah lembut, tunduk, dan penuh kasih merupakan salah satu cara penginjilan yang paling efektif yang dapat dilakukan istri untuk membawa suaminya kepada Tuhan.
Ia harus setia, “Murni dan saleh” (ayat 2), memiliki arti menghormati.
Istri dengan sifat murni dan hormat kepada suaminya adalah istri yang setia, ini merupakan kewajiban semua istri Kristen, yaitu agar mereka tetap harus murni dan saleh di hadapan Allah dan suami mereka.
Ia harus sederhana, Petrus memperingatkan para wanita yang sibuk dengan mempersolek diri (Ayat 3), banyak wanita di kalangan masyarakat Romawi mewarnai rambut mereka dengan warna yang aneh dan mengepangnya secara berlebihan. Mereka juga menyukai perhiasan yang mahal, pakaian yang indah dan juga kosmetik yang mahal. Hasrat untuk cantik dan mentereng seperti ini tidak konsisten dengan rancangan Allah bagi wanita Kristen.(Yesaya 3:18-24).
Petrus menasehatkan kepada mereka untuk memberikan perhatian mereka atas “manusia batiniah yang tersembunyi.” yaitu keindahan sejati karakter, kebajikan, kerohanian dalam diri orang Kristen. Kata “sederhana” merujuk pada kerendahan hati dan kelemah lembutan. Ini adalah sifat orang yang menolak melakukan pembalasan, tetapi selalu menunggu tindakan Allah. “Roh yang tenteram” menunjuk pada sifat damai dan lembut dari seseorang.
Sikap sederhana dan lembut menunjukkan keindahan rohani yang sangat berharga di hadapan Allah. Perhatian utama dari wanita yang saleh bukanlah penampilan luarnya, tetapi keindahan karakternya di hadapan Allah.
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