Various seminars on women's career has been held, but until now has not a single one who could answer the woman's struggle completely. They remain problematic, "Career or Kitchen" especially in Indonesia.
The emergence of women in top positions, it makes the men marveled at a time of anxiety, so do not be surprised if a group of men searching for their vulnerable point. Women are considered less practical way of thinking, emotional, vulnerable, easily influenced state, and others.
But after a woman with a dual role, as well as the kitchen has a tendency career involved more problems than those who have not / do not settle down, things like the health of children, live with in-laws, husbands are often on duty outside the city and many more problems faced and all that could be the cause of severe stress.
These things are a little more influence thinking or attitudes in the workplace, even if it included women "Iron" indifferent household environment.
Psalm 128:3 matron called as "Fruit Wine" a sweet (and his words said), and the limbs are not sturdy enough to build the foundations of buildings. It is clear that the wife is not obliged even not recommended to be the backbone of the family (who had worked furiously to make a living from morning till night) while my husband and children are neglected.
In another part, the Word of God explained that the wife is required to explore inner beauty, hope fully surrender to God and to love and submit to the authority of the husband as the representative of God on Earth and the husband shall be subject to Christ, of course.
Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.
Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.
For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.
Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered. (1 Peter 3:1-7)
Even so, Proverbs 31:10-31 clearly describes the ideal wife, manage his household and work diligently. He knew exactly when her husband and his family needed his presence. Likewise, he knows when to go out and work. He is not just a clever divide the time, but even more so he adept support her husband. He submits to her husband, but also not lazy thinking about the future of his family. It was great, my husband and children praise and call it happy!
Women have a very heavy responsibility, but really only one vocation, namely to serve. Hand, the portion of that option should be taken .. when he decided to serve more in the household, and when he must be outside his home. Each has a basic consideration in accordance with the conditions of the family, ages of children, the needs of surrounding communities, the economic level, education level, and most importantly God's call.
There is one passage in the Bible which tells of a woman's courage in saving a nation, he was the Queen Esther. He took the role of the Big Shot to help his people, a huge service sector. Consideration should be cooked properly because one little step, to sacrifice his household. But we know how God used Esther eventually to serve and save the Jewish nation, while also strengthening the household of God!
What about you as a wife who has a husband and mother of the children? "Success is not determined by place of women as well as the type of work, but by his sincerity in regulating employment and their households."
Wanita Karir atau Wanita Dapur
Berbagai seminar mengenai wanita karier telah diadakan, namun hingga saat ini belum satu pun yang mampu menjawab pergumulan para wanita secara tuntas. Mereka tetap bermasalah, “Karier atau Dapur” khususnya di Indonesia.
Munculnya wanita-wanita di posisi puncak, memang membuat kaum pria kagum sekaligus was-was, sehingga tidak heran bila sekelompok pria mencari-cari titik rawan mereka. Wanita dianggap kurang praktis cara berpikirnya, emosional, rentan, mudah terpengaruh keadaan, dan lain-lain.
Tetapi bagaimanapun seorang wanita dengan peran ganda, karier sekaligus dapur memiliki kecenderungan terlibat lebih banyak masalah dibandingkan mereka yang belum/tidak berumah tangga, hal-hal seperti kesehatan anak, tinggal serumah dengan mertua, suami sering bertugas keluar kota dan masih banyak lagi permasalahan yang dihadapi dan semua itu dapat menjadi sebab stres yang berat.
Hal-hal ini sedikit banyak mempengaruhi pemikiran atau sikap di tempat kerjanya, sekalipun ia termasuk wanita “Besi” yang tak acuh lingkungan rumah tangga. Mazmur 128:3 menyebut wanita bersuami sebagai “Buah Anggur” yang manis (tutur kata dan hatinya), dan yang dahannya tidak cukup kokoh untuk membangun fondasi bangunan. Jelas bahwa istri tidak wajib bahkan tidak dianjurkan menjadi tulang punggung keluarga (yang harus bekerja mati-matian mencari nafkah dari pagi hingga malam hari) sementara suami dan anak-anak terabaikan.
Di bagian lain, 1 Petrus 3:1-7 memaparkan bahwa istri diwajibkan untuk menggali keindahan batiniahnya, menyerahkan harapan sepenuhnya kepada Allah dan mengasihi serta tunduk kepada otoritas suami sebagai wakil Allah di Bumi dan suami wajib tunduk pada Kristus tentunya.
Walaupun begitu, Amsal 31:10-31 dengan jelas menggambarkan istri yang ideal, mengatur rumah tangganya sekaligus bekerja dengan rajin. Ia tahu persis kapan suami dan keluarganya membutuhkan kehadirannya. Begitu pula, ia tahu kapan harus keluar rumah dan bekerja. Ia bukan hanya pandai membagi waktu, tetapi terlebih lagi ia mahir menyokong suaminya. Ia tunduk kepada suaminya, tetapi juga tidak malas memikirkan masa depan keluarganya. Sungguh luar biasa, suami dan anak-anaknya memuji dan menyebutnya berbahagia!
Wanita memiliki tanggung jawab yang sangat berat, tapi sebenarnya hanya satu panggilannya, yaitu melayani. Ditangannya, porsi pilihan itu harus diambil..kapan ia memutuskan untuk lebih banyak melayani di dalam rumah tangganya, dan kapan ia harus berada di luar rumahnya. Masing-masing memiliki dasar pertimbangan sesuai dengan kondisi keluarga, usia anak-anak, kebutuhan masyarakat sekitar, tingkat ekonomi, tingkat pendidikan, dan yang terpenting panggilan Tuhan.
Ada satu bagian dalam Alkitab yang menceritakan keperkasaan seorang wanita dalam hal menyelamatkan sebuah bangsa, dialah Ratu Ester. Ia mengambil peranan maha penting untuk menolong rakyatnya, satu bidang pelayanan yang besar sekali. Pertimbangannya harus matang benar karena salah langkah sedikit, dapat mengorbankan rumah tangganya. Tetapi kita tahu bagaimana Allah akhirnya memakai Ester untuk melayani dan menyelamatkan bangsa Yahudi, sekaligus Allah juga memperkokoh rumah tangganya!
Bagaimana dengan anda sebagai seorang istri yang memiliki suami dan ibu dari anak-anak? “Sukses wanita tidak ditentukan oleh tempat maupun jenis pekerjaannya, tetapi oleh kesungguhannya di dalam mengatur pekerjaan dan rumah tangganya”.
Munculnya wanita-wanita di posisi puncak, memang membuat kaum pria kagum sekaligus was-was, sehingga tidak heran bila sekelompok pria mencari-cari titik rawan mereka. Wanita dianggap kurang praktis cara berpikirnya, emosional, rentan, mudah terpengaruh keadaan, dan lain-lain.
Tetapi bagaimanapun seorang wanita dengan peran ganda, karier sekaligus dapur memiliki kecenderungan terlibat lebih banyak masalah dibandingkan mereka yang belum/tidak berumah tangga, hal-hal seperti kesehatan anak, tinggal serumah dengan mertua, suami sering bertugas keluar kota dan masih banyak lagi permasalahan yang dihadapi dan semua itu dapat menjadi sebab stres yang berat.
Hal-hal ini sedikit banyak mempengaruhi pemikiran atau sikap di tempat kerjanya, sekalipun ia termasuk wanita “Besi” yang tak acuh lingkungan rumah tangga. Mazmur 128:3 menyebut wanita bersuami sebagai “Buah Anggur” yang manis (tutur kata dan hatinya), dan yang dahannya tidak cukup kokoh untuk membangun fondasi bangunan. Jelas bahwa istri tidak wajib bahkan tidak dianjurkan menjadi tulang punggung keluarga (yang harus bekerja mati-matian mencari nafkah dari pagi hingga malam hari) sementara suami dan anak-anak terabaikan.
Di bagian lain, 1 Petrus 3:1-7 memaparkan bahwa istri diwajibkan untuk menggali keindahan batiniahnya, menyerahkan harapan sepenuhnya kepada Allah dan mengasihi serta tunduk kepada otoritas suami sebagai wakil Allah di Bumi dan suami wajib tunduk pada Kristus tentunya.
Walaupun begitu, Amsal 31:10-31 dengan jelas menggambarkan istri yang ideal, mengatur rumah tangganya sekaligus bekerja dengan rajin. Ia tahu persis kapan suami dan keluarganya membutuhkan kehadirannya. Begitu pula, ia tahu kapan harus keluar rumah dan bekerja. Ia bukan hanya pandai membagi waktu, tetapi terlebih lagi ia mahir menyokong suaminya. Ia tunduk kepada suaminya, tetapi juga tidak malas memikirkan masa depan keluarganya. Sungguh luar biasa, suami dan anak-anaknya memuji dan menyebutnya berbahagia!
Wanita memiliki tanggung jawab yang sangat berat, tapi sebenarnya hanya satu panggilannya, yaitu melayani. Ditangannya, porsi pilihan itu harus diambil..kapan ia memutuskan untuk lebih banyak melayani di dalam rumah tangganya, dan kapan ia harus berada di luar rumahnya. Masing-masing memiliki dasar pertimbangan sesuai dengan kondisi keluarga, usia anak-anak, kebutuhan masyarakat sekitar, tingkat ekonomi, tingkat pendidikan, dan yang terpenting panggilan Tuhan.
Ada satu bagian dalam Alkitab yang menceritakan keperkasaan seorang wanita dalam hal menyelamatkan sebuah bangsa, dialah Ratu Ester. Ia mengambil peranan maha penting untuk menolong rakyatnya, satu bidang pelayanan yang besar sekali. Pertimbangannya harus matang benar karena salah langkah sedikit, dapat mengorbankan rumah tangganya. Tetapi kita tahu bagaimana Allah akhirnya memakai Ester untuk melayani dan menyelamatkan bangsa Yahudi, sekaligus Allah juga memperkokoh rumah tangganya!
Bagaimana dengan anda sebagai seorang istri yang memiliki suami dan ibu dari anak-anak? “Sukses wanita tidak ditentukan oleh tempat maupun jenis pekerjaannya, tetapi oleh kesungguhannya di dalam mengatur pekerjaan dan rumah tangganya”.
Circumcision In The Church
The Old Testament is talking about physical circumcision as a sign or seal the agreement, between God and Abraham and his descendants, upon granting the truth of God, where God chooses and marks his own people.
"And God said unto Abraham, Thou shalt keep my covenant therefore, thou, and thy seed after thee in their generations. This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between Me and you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised. And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the covenant between Me and you. "(Genesis 17 :9-11)
"And he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had yet being uncircumcised: that he might be the father of all them that believe, though they be not circumcised; that righteousness might be imputed unto them also: And the father of circumcision to them who are not of the circumcision only, but who also walk in the steps of that faith of our father Abraham, which he had being yet uncircumcised." (Romans 4:11-12).
In addition each member is required to express it outwardly agreement with obeying the law of God, with the firm are also required to Abraham: "I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect."(Genesis 17:1).
Circumcision is outwardly manifest, implement the promise and called on people to live in obedience based on the agreements that have made expensive demands of God, which is demanding the reality of its application according to the sign of circumcision, the Word of God says ... .. I will punish the people who have been circumcised foreskin ... .. because all nations are not circumcised and all the people of Israel uncircumcised heart (Jeremiah 9:25-26).
Can we on the demands it?
Therefore the Lord Jesus came to fulfill the law, "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill." (Matthew 5:17).
The New Testament clearly and definitely say that without obedience, physical circumcision is futile. In Romans 2:23-29 says: "You boast in the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the law? As it is written: "because of you the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles."
Circumcision is of no use, if you obey the law, but if you break the law, your circumcision you no longer use. So if the uncircumcised attention to the demands of the law, would not he be considered the same as people who have been circumcised? If so, then the person who is not circumcised, but that the law, will judge you who have written law and circumcision, but who violate the law.
Because the so-called Jews are not the ones who outwardly Jewish, and the so-called circumcision, circumcision is not the place it outwardly. But the true Jew is he who does not look Jewish and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, spiritually, not literally. And the praise is not from men but from God. "
Circumcision is of no use, if you obey the law, but if you break the law, then your circumcision is no longer any good. Outward sign of fade without meaning when compared to obey God's commandments. "If a state is called in uncircumcision, he must not try to negate the sign of circumcision. And if a call in a state not circumcised, he must not want to be circumcised. For neither circumcision nor uncircumcision important. The important thing is to obey the laws of God. "(1 Corinthians 7:18-19).
Long before the New Testament, the Word of God had said in Deuteronomy 10:16, "Therefore circumcision is your heart and do not you rigid neck again."
So the heart circumcision is not a new command in the New Testament but already since the time of the Old Testament when Moses received the command of God to the Israelites.
Therefore we need a "Circumcision of Christ" or the circumcision of the calendar will be the body's heart is sinful that is a spiritual act that was not done by human hands but a relationship with Christ in His death and resurrection.
The Word of God in Colossians 2:13 says: "You too, although you were dead by the offense and therefore is not circumcised outwardly, has turned God along with Him, after He forgave all our sins, by eliminating debt, which by legal provisions to charge and threaten us. And that eliminated him by nailing on the cross. "
All were sealed by the regulatory acceptance of new agreements, "In Him you were circumcised, not with a circumcision done by humans, but with the circumcision of Christ, which consists of the calendar will be the body of sin, (Colossians 2:11-12).
So a Christian is one who circumcised himself, "It is we the people circumcised hearts, who worship by the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence to the flesh. "Therefore circumcision is your heart and you do not anymore rigid neck" (Deuteronomy 10:16).
"And God said unto Abraham, Thou shalt keep my covenant therefore, thou, and thy seed after thee in their generations. This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between Me and you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised. And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the covenant between Me and you. "(Genesis 17 :9-11)
"And he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had yet being uncircumcised: that he might be the father of all them that believe, though they be not circumcised; that righteousness might be imputed unto them also: And the father of circumcision to them who are not of the circumcision only, but who also walk in the steps of that faith of our father Abraham, which he had being yet uncircumcised." (Romans 4:11-12).
In addition each member is required to express it outwardly agreement with obeying the law of God, with the firm are also required to Abraham: "I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect."(Genesis 17:1).
Circumcision is outwardly manifest, implement the promise and called on people to live in obedience based on the agreements that have made expensive demands of God, which is demanding the reality of its application according to the sign of circumcision, the Word of God says ... .. I will punish the people who have been circumcised foreskin ... .. because all nations are not circumcised and all the people of Israel uncircumcised heart (Jeremiah 9:25-26).
Can we on the demands it?
Therefore the Lord Jesus came to fulfill the law, "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill." (Matthew 5:17).
The New Testament clearly and definitely say that without obedience, physical circumcision is futile. In Romans 2:23-29 says: "You boast in the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the law? As it is written: "because of you the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles."
Circumcision is of no use, if you obey the law, but if you break the law, your circumcision you no longer use. So if the uncircumcised attention to the demands of the law, would not he be considered the same as people who have been circumcised? If so, then the person who is not circumcised, but that the law, will judge you who have written law and circumcision, but who violate the law.
Because the so-called Jews are not the ones who outwardly Jewish, and the so-called circumcision, circumcision is not the place it outwardly. But the true Jew is he who does not look Jewish and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, spiritually, not literally. And the praise is not from men but from God. "
Circumcision is of no use, if you obey the law, but if you break the law, then your circumcision is no longer any good. Outward sign of fade without meaning when compared to obey God's commandments. "If a state is called in uncircumcision, he must not try to negate the sign of circumcision. And if a call in a state not circumcised, he must not want to be circumcised. For neither circumcision nor uncircumcision important. The important thing is to obey the laws of God. "(1 Corinthians 7:18-19).
Long before the New Testament, the Word of God had said in Deuteronomy 10:16, "Therefore circumcision is your heart and do not you rigid neck again."
So the heart circumcision is not a new command in the New Testament but already since the time of the Old Testament when Moses received the command of God to the Israelites.
Therefore we need a "Circumcision of Christ" or the circumcision of the calendar will be the body's heart is sinful that is a spiritual act that was not done by human hands but a relationship with Christ in His death and resurrection.
The Word of God in Colossians 2:13 says: "You too, although you were dead by the offense and therefore is not circumcised outwardly, has turned God along with Him, after He forgave all our sins, by eliminating debt, which by legal provisions to charge and threaten us. And that eliminated him by nailing on the cross. "
All were sealed by the regulatory acceptance of new agreements, "In Him you were circumcised, not with a circumcision done by humans, but with the circumcision of Christ, which consists of the calendar will be the body of sin, (Colossians 2:11-12).
So a Christian is one who circumcised himself, "It is we the people circumcised hearts, who worship by the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence to the flesh. "Therefore circumcision is your heart and you do not anymore rigid neck" (Deuteronomy 10:16).
Sunat Dalam Gereja
Perjanjian Lama berbicara tentang sunat lahiriah ialah sebagai tanda perjanjian atau meterai, antara Allah dan Abraham serta keturunannya, atas pemberian kebenaran dari Allah, dimana Allah memilih dan menandai orang-orang milik-Nya.
“Firman Allah kepada Abraham: "Dari pihakmu, engkau harus memegang perjanjian-Ku, engkau dan keturunanmu turun-temurun.
Inilah perjanjian-Ku, yang harus kamu pegang, perjanjian antara Aku dan kamu serta keturunanmu, yaitu setiap laki-laki di antara kamu harus disunat; haruslah dikerat kulit khatanmu dan itulah akan menjadi tanda perjanjian antara Aku dan kamu”.( Kejadian 17:9-11)
“Dan tanda sunat itu diterimanya sebagai meterai kebenaran berdasarkan iman yang ditunjukkannya, sebelum ia bersunat. Demikianlah ia dapat menjadi bapa semua orang percaya yang tak bersunat, supaya kebenaran diperhitungkan kepada mereka, dan juga menjadi bapa orang-orang bersunat, yaitu mereka yang bukan hanya bersunat, tetapi juga mengikuti jejak iman Abraham, bapa leluhur kita, pada masa ia belum disunat”. (Roma 4:11-12).
Selain setiap anggota perjanjian diwajibkan menyatakannya secara lahiriah dengan menaati hukum Allah, dengan tegas juga dituntut kepada Abraham “Hiduplah dihadapan-Ku dengan tidak bercela”. (Kejadian 17:1).
Sunat lahiriah menjelmakan, menerapkan janji dan menghimbau orang untuk hidup dalam ketaatan sesuai perjanjian bahwa ada tuntutan yang mahal yang dibuat Allah, yaitu menuntut realitas penerapannya sesuai tanda sunat itu, Firman Tuhan katakan…..Aku menghukum orang-orang yang telah bersunat kulit khatannya…..sebab segala bangsa tidak bersunat dan segenap kaum Israel tidak bersunat hatinya (Yeremia 9:25-26).
Mampukah kita atas tuntutan itu?
Oleh karena itu Tuhan Yesus datang untuk menggenapkan hukum Taurat, “Janganlah kamu menyangka, bahwa Aku datang untuk meniadakan hukum Taurat atau Kitab para nabi. Aku datang bukan untuk meniadakannya, melainkan untuk menggenapinya” (Matius 5:17).
Perjanjian Baru dengan tegas dan pasti mengatakan bahwa tanpa ketaatan, sunat lahiriah adalah sia-sia. Dalam Roma 2:23-29 katakan: “Engkau bermegah atas hukum Taurat, mengapa engkau sendiri menghina Allah dengan melanggar hukum Taurat itu? Seperti ada tertulis: "Sebab oleh karena kamulah nama Allah dihujat di antara bangsa-bangsa lain."
Sunat memang ada gunanya, jika engkau mentaati hukum Taurat; tetapi jika engkau melanggar hukum Taurat, maka sunatmu tidak ada lagi gunanya. Jadi jika orang yang tak bersunat memperhatikan tuntutan-tuntutan hukum Taurat, tidakkah ia dianggap sama dengan orang yang telah disunat? Jika demikian, maka orang yang tak bersunat tetapi yang melakukan hukum Taurat, akan menghakimi kamu yang mempunyai hukum tertulis dan sunat, tetapi yang melanggar hukum Taurat.
Sebab yang disebut Yahudi bukanlah orang yang lahiriah Yahudi, dan yang disebut sunat, bukanlah sunat yang dilangsungkan secara lahiriah. Tetapi orang Yahudi sejati ialah dia yang tidak nampak keyahudiannya dan sunat ialah sunat di dalam hati, secara rohani, bukan secara hurufiah. Maka pujian baginya datang bukan dari manusia, melainkan dari Allah”.
“Sunat memang ada gunanya, jika engkau mentaati hukum Taurat; tetapi jika engkau melanggar hukum Taurat, maka sunatmu tidak lagi ada gunanya.
Tanda lahiriah pudar tanpa arti jika dibandingkan dengan menaati perintah-perintah Allah. “Kalau seorang dipanggil dalam keadaan bersunat, janganlah ia berusaha meniadakan meniadakan tanda-tanda sunat itu. Dan kalau seorang dipanggil dalam keadaan tidak bersunat, janganlah ia mau bersunat. Sebab bersunat atau tidak bersunat tidak penting. Yang penting ialah mentaati hukum-hukum Allah.” (1 Korintus 7:18-19). Jauh sebelum Perjanjian Baru, Firman Tuhan telah katakan dalam Ulangan 10:16 “Sebab itu sunatlah hatimu dan janganlah lagi kamu tegar tengkuk”.
Jadi sunat hati bukan suatu perintah yang baru dalam Perjanjian Baru tapi sudah sejak zaman Perjanjian Lama ketika Musa menerima perintah Tuhan untuk bangsa Israel .
Oleh karena itu kita membutuhkan “Sunat Kristus” atau sunat hati berupa penanggalan akan tubuh yang berdosa yakni suatu perbuatan rohani yang tidak dilakukan oleh tangan manusia tapi suatu hubungan dengan Kristus dalam kematian dan kebangkitan-Nya.
Firman Tuhan dalam Kolose 2:13 katakan: “Kamu juga, meskipun dahulu mati oleh pelanggaranmu dan oleh karena tidak disunat secara lahiriah, telah dihidupkan Allah bersama-sama dengan Dia, sesudah Ia mengampuni segala pelanggaran kita, dengan menghapuskan surat hutang, yang oleh ketentuan-ketentuan hukum mendakwa dan mengancam kita. Dan itu ditiadakan-Nya dengan memakukannya pada kayu salib”.
Semua itu dimeteraikan oleh peraturan penerimaan atas perjanjian baru, “Dalam Dia kamu telah disunat, bukan dengan sunat yang dilakukan oleh manusia, tetapi dengan sunat Kristus, yang terdiri dari penanggalan akan tubuh yang berdosa, (Kolose 2:11-12).
Sehingga orang Kristen adalah orang yang bersunat hati, “Kitalah orang-orang bersunat hati, yang beribadah oleh Roh Allah dan bermegah dalam Kristus Yesus dan tidak menaruh percaya kepada hal-hal lahiriah. “Sebab itu sunatlah hatimu dan janganlah lagi kamu tegar tengkuk” (Ulangan 10:16).
“Firman Allah kepada Abraham: "Dari pihakmu, engkau harus memegang perjanjian-Ku, engkau dan keturunanmu turun-temurun.
Inilah perjanjian-Ku, yang harus kamu pegang, perjanjian antara Aku dan kamu serta keturunanmu, yaitu setiap laki-laki di antara kamu harus disunat; haruslah dikerat kulit khatanmu dan itulah akan menjadi tanda perjanjian antara Aku dan kamu”.( Kejadian 17:9-11)
“Dan tanda sunat itu diterimanya sebagai meterai kebenaran berdasarkan iman yang ditunjukkannya, sebelum ia bersunat. Demikianlah ia dapat menjadi bapa semua orang percaya yang tak bersunat, supaya kebenaran diperhitungkan kepada mereka, dan juga menjadi bapa orang-orang bersunat, yaitu mereka yang bukan hanya bersunat, tetapi juga mengikuti jejak iman Abraham, bapa leluhur kita, pada masa ia belum disunat”. (Roma 4:11-12).
Selain setiap anggota perjanjian diwajibkan menyatakannya secara lahiriah dengan menaati hukum Allah, dengan tegas juga dituntut kepada Abraham “Hiduplah dihadapan-Ku dengan tidak bercela”. (Kejadian 17:1).
Sunat lahiriah menjelmakan, menerapkan janji dan menghimbau orang untuk hidup dalam ketaatan sesuai perjanjian bahwa ada tuntutan yang mahal yang dibuat Allah, yaitu menuntut realitas penerapannya sesuai tanda sunat itu, Firman Tuhan katakan…..Aku menghukum orang-orang yang telah bersunat kulit khatannya…..sebab segala bangsa tidak bersunat dan segenap kaum Israel tidak bersunat hatinya (Yeremia 9:25-26).
Mampukah kita atas tuntutan itu?
Oleh karena itu Tuhan Yesus datang untuk menggenapkan hukum Taurat, “Janganlah kamu menyangka, bahwa Aku datang untuk meniadakan hukum Taurat atau Kitab para nabi. Aku datang bukan untuk meniadakannya, melainkan untuk menggenapinya” (Matius 5:17).
Perjanjian Baru dengan tegas dan pasti mengatakan bahwa tanpa ketaatan, sunat lahiriah adalah sia-sia. Dalam Roma 2:23-29 katakan: “Engkau bermegah atas hukum Taurat, mengapa engkau sendiri menghina Allah dengan melanggar hukum Taurat itu? Seperti ada tertulis: "Sebab oleh karena kamulah nama Allah dihujat di antara bangsa-bangsa lain."
Sunat memang ada gunanya, jika engkau mentaati hukum Taurat; tetapi jika engkau melanggar hukum Taurat, maka sunatmu tidak ada lagi gunanya. Jadi jika orang yang tak bersunat memperhatikan tuntutan-tuntutan hukum Taurat, tidakkah ia dianggap sama dengan orang yang telah disunat? Jika demikian, maka orang yang tak bersunat tetapi yang melakukan hukum Taurat, akan menghakimi kamu yang mempunyai hukum tertulis dan sunat, tetapi yang melanggar hukum Taurat.
Sebab yang disebut Yahudi bukanlah orang yang lahiriah Yahudi, dan yang disebut sunat, bukanlah sunat yang dilangsungkan secara lahiriah. Tetapi orang Yahudi sejati ialah dia yang tidak nampak keyahudiannya dan sunat ialah sunat di dalam hati, secara rohani, bukan secara hurufiah. Maka pujian baginya datang bukan dari manusia, melainkan dari Allah”.
“Sunat memang ada gunanya, jika engkau mentaati hukum Taurat; tetapi jika engkau melanggar hukum Taurat, maka sunatmu tidak lagi ada gunanya.
Tanda lahiriah pudar tanpa arti jika dibandingkan dengan menaati perintah-perintah Allah. “Kalau seorang dipanggil dalam keadaan bersunat, janganlah ia berusaha meniadakan meniadakan tanda-tanda sunat itu. Dan kalau seorang dipanggil dalam keadaan tidak bersunat, janganlah ia mau bersunat. Sebab bersunat atau tidak bersunat tidak penting. Yang penting ialah mentaati hukum-hukum Allah.” (1 Korintus 7:18-19). Jauh sebelum Perjanjian Baru, Firman Tuhan telah katakan dalam Ulangan 10:16 “Sebab itu sunatlah hatimu dan janganlah lagi kamu tegar tengkuk”.
Jadi sunat hati bukan suatu perintah yang baru dalam Perjanjian Baru tapi sudah sejak zaman Perjanjian Lama ketika Musa menerima perintah Tuhan untuk bangsa Israel .
Oleh karena itu kita membutuhkan “Sunat Kristus” atau sunat hati berupa penanggalan akan tubuh yang berdosa yakni suatu perbuatan rohani yang tidak dilakukan oleh tangan manusia tapi suatu hubungan dengan Kristus dalam kematian dan kebangkitan-Nya.
Firman Tuhan dalam Kolose 2:13 katakan: “Kamu juga, meskipun dahulu mati oleh pelanggaranmu dan oleh karena tidak disunat secara lahiriah, telah dihidupkan Allah bersama-sama dengan Dia, sesudah Ia mengampuni segala pelanggaran kita, dengan menghapuskan surat hutang, yang oleh ketentuan-ketentuan hukum mendakwa dan mengancam kita. Dan itu ditiadakan-Nya dengan memakukannya pada kayu salib”.
Semua itu dimeteraikan oleh peraturan penerimaan atas perjanjian baru, “Dalam Dia kamu telah disunat, bukan dengan sunat yang dilakukan oleh manusia, tetapi dengan sunat Kristus, yang terdiri dari penanggalan akan tubuh yang berdosa, (Kolose 2:11-12).
Sehingga orang Kristen adalah orang yang bersunat hati, “Kitalah orang-orang bersunat hati, yang beribadah oleh Roh Allah dan bermegah dalam Kristus Yesus dan tidak menaruh percaya kepada hal-hal lahiriah. “Sebab itu sunatlah hatimu dan janganlah lagi kamu tegar tengkuk” (Ulangan 10:16).
Ear Faith
Who are ear, let him hear ...
Many times Jesus said it. Eight times in the Gospels and eight times in the Book of Revelation, we are reminded that not enough just to have ears, we should use it.
In one parable, Jesus compares the ear to the ground. He told about a farmer who sowed the seeds (a symbol of the Word) in four types of soil (the symbol of our ears.) Exist between our ears like a hard road, unable to receive the seed. Others again have the ear like the rocky ground, we hear the Word but do not let it take root.
Anyone else have a similar ear with a piece of land full of grass, plants are too wild, too prickly, too much competition for the seeds to grow properly. Others again have ears to hear, which is done with good soil, choose a good course to be planted and ready to listen to the voice of God.
In the fourth case is the same seed, the sower is the same or different is not a message that carries the message, the difference is the audience.
If the comparison in this story means that once, then three quarters of the world does not listen to the voice of God.
Why? because there are a lot of heart is hard, life is shallow or a restless mind, 75% of us do not hear and the message is simply passed through from us, not we do not have ears, it's just that we do not want to use it.
Scripture so that we always give priority to listen to the voice of God.
Truly great commandment from God through Moses begins with the words, "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the Lord is one!" (Deuteronomy 6:4).
"Happy is the man who listens to me" is the promise in Proverbs 8:14.
Jesus urges us to learn to listen like sheep. "My sheep know his voice ... they follow the shepherd because it sounds familiar, they do not follow people they do not sound familiar.
Each of the seven churches addressed in revelation the same way: "Anyone can hear should pay attention to what was said by the Spirit of God to the churches."
Pilate is selective hearing. He was allowed to dominate the people's voice and the voice of conscience was a carpenter. "But they kept shouting .... And finally they managed to shout" (Luke 23:23).
Pilate finally leads her ear to the crowd and away from the Christ and ignore the message of the Messiah. "Faith comes by hearing" (Romans 10:17), and once Pilate did not listen, so he never got faith. "Who are ear, let him hear."
How well we've been listening to the voice of God? or do we have to listen to but never stored in our hearts? So many messages of God in His Word, which came to us through the pastors, servants of God, evangelist, or our fellow-minister that we would probably admonish us that life is still far from God.
Surely God used the people who is around us to change our lives through our hearing. But often it is only God's message to the right ear and out his left section, some soil into a hard heart, some of them into the heart of the rocky ground, and partly into the ground a heart full of thorns.
Let us change the way we hear more ... maybe things are not pleasing to God that we hear than the truth of the Word of God itself, so we will not stand the temptation of this world. Where we are too easily shaken, even we do not have the strength to refuse the offer of the world, all because of one reason that we are not rooted in the Lord, we do not wear ear as a result the seeds of faith are just falling in the wrong place.
Many times Jesus said it. Eight times in the Gospels and eight times in the Book of Revelation, we are reminded that not enough just to have ears, we should use it.
In one parable, Jesus compares the ear to the ground. He told about a farmer who sowed the seeds (a symbol of the Word) in four types of soil (the symbol of our ears.) Exist between our ears like a hard road, unable to receive the seed. Others again have the ear like the rocky ground, we hear the Word but do not let it take root.
Anyone else have a similar ear with a piece of land full of grass, plants are too wild, too prickly, too much competition for the seeds to grow properly. Others again have ears to hear, which is done with good soil, choose a good course to be planted and ready to listen to the voice of God.
In the fourth case is the same seed, the sower is the same or different is not a message that carries the message, the difference is the audience.
If the comparison in this story means that once, then three quarters of the world does not listen to the voice of God.
Why? because there are a lot of heart is hard, life is shallow or a restless mind, 75% of us do not hear and the message is simply passed through from us, not we do not have ears, it's just that we do not want to use it.
Scripture so that we always give priority to listen to the voice of God.
Truly great commandment from God through Moses begins with the words, "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the Lord is one!" (Deuteronomy 6:4).
"Happy is the man who listens to me" is the promise in Proverbs 8:14.
Jesus urges us to learn to listen like sheep. "My sheep know his voice ... they follow the shepherd because it sounds familiar, they do not follow people they do not sound familiar.
Each of the seven churches addressed in revelation the same way: "Anyone can hear should pay attention to what was said by the Spirit of God to the churches."
Pilate is selective hearing. He was allowed to dominate the people's voice and the voice of conscience was a carpenter. "But they kept shouting .... And finally they managed to shout" (Luke 23:23).
Pilate finally leads her ear to the crowd and away from the Christ and ignore the message of the Messiah. "Faith comes by hearing" (Romans 10:17), and once Pilate did not listen, so he never got faith. "Who are ear, let him hear."
How well we've been listening to the voice of God? or do we have to listen to but never stored in our hearts? So many messages of God in His Word, which came to us through the pastors, servants of God, evangelist, or our fellow-minister that we would probably admonish us that life is still far from God.
Surely God used the people who is around us to change our lives through our hearing. But often it is only God's message to the right ear and out his left section, some soil into a hard heart, some of them into the heart of the rocky ground, and partly into the ground a heart full of thorns.
Let us change the way we hear more ... maybe things are not pleasing to God that we hear than the truth of the Word of God itself, so we will not stand the temptation of this world. Where we are too easily shaken, even we do not have the strength to refuse the offer of the world, all because of one reason that we are not rooted in the Lord, we do not wear ear as a result the seeds of faith are just falling in the wrong place.
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